
HUBI is a relatively young association. Nevertheless, we have the chance to have regular partnerships with several funders as well as several schools and universities.

Why do we need funders ?

As you may have already discovered on the other pages of our website, the purpose of our association is to help foreign unaccompanied minors (recognized as such by a judge) who have been integrated into school education. The high school courses are followed by language courses and tutoring on our premises. To help them better, we need financial support for each of these reasons :

– writing materials

– exercise books

– field trips

– employees’ salaries

– student lunch

We also organize big and small events. For example, we take our students in groups of 25 to other cities in Germany for a week. The most recent example is the trip to Berlin, in partnership with the Hermann-Hesse-Gymnasium.

At the moment we are counting on 5 funding partners :

– UN Refugee Aid

– Robert Bosch Foundation

– Aktion Mensch

– Freudenberg Foundation


– The Bavarian region

– The city of Munich