
I’ve always wanted to study in High school and HUBI gave me the knowledge of language I needed to integrate one. The courses were intense but it helped me to feel better in the country and the staffs were always really helpful whenever I was facing trouble learning the language.” 

Neyla was 17 as well when she came to Germany from Libya. She didn’t have any basis in the German language as her mother language is Arabic so she was helped by one of our interpreters so it was easier for her to understand in the beginning. Neyla followed the A1 courses, when was very dedicated to learning the language and really motivated. She ended her courses with a B2 level, close to C1. After that she integrated a High School and passed her diploma, she has the ambition to study in university and do a bachelor in foreign languages German – Arabic as she wants to become a German teacher in order to teach unaccompanied isolated minors like she was. She will do civic service in an elementary school in Munich first in order to improve the German language more. 

This kind of feedback are really important to us as it reminds us that our work in HUBI can change the life of the unaccompanied isolated minors, we see their progress throughout the year they are learning German in our association. Oussama and Neyla are very good an example of the results of our missions, education is really important for them to be integrated in society. They can also make some friends in our association or keep in touch with their pen pals thanks to our exchange projects. 


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